Getting Started

  1. Sign in to your Microsoft Azure account

  2. Select the Azure Active Directory option

  1. Register a new application

  1. Fill out the form

  1. Copy the Client ID of the created application

  1. Create a new client secret and copy its value

  1. Add the permissions below

  1. With the Microsoft OneDrive plugin installed in your project, paste the credentials (App ID, App Secret)

  2. Enable the "Use a generic redirect URL" option

  1. Performing the Login

  1. Log the user out

OAuth is inherently stateless so there is really nothing to "sign out" of. When you complete the OAuth flow you receive a token back. That token is used to authenticate the user every time you call the API.

So to "sign out", simply wipe any stored access token values from your app's memory/storage and the app will no longer have access to that user's account.

  1. Using the Microsoft OneDrive Plugin functions

Last updated